02 abril 2014

Colmenas en la nieve de Rumania. Beehives in the snow in Romania.

Colmenas en la nieve de Rumania. Beehives in the snow in Romania.


5 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for sharing these photos ! I'm wondering if the hives are specific for snow or have any kind of insulation to protect the bees from the cold ?


  2. Fred, bees don't need to have insulation, as they have their own method of staying warm. They're thermographic photos that reveal temperatures below freezing have no effect on a cluster of bees within the hive. They maintain a steady temperature by rotating those on the outside of the cluster to move into the center. All of the bees flex their wing muscles to generate heat, much as humans do when performing isometric exercises. Amazing creatures, eh?

  3. In this winter we have in some regions 2 m of snow. Nothing was visible.


Gracias - Thank you.