Peligro en la Salud de las Abejas: Pesticidas - Danger in bee health: Pesticides
La Comisión Europea se ha mostrado “preocupada” por el efecto sobre la salud de las abejas del uso de algunos tipos de pesticidas y ha anunciado que, de confirmarse ese riesgo, tomará medidas al respecto.
La Agencia Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria ha hecho públicos los resultados de un informe que pone de manifiesto “un cierto número de riesgos” asociados a tres tipos de pesticidas neonicotinoides, unas sustancias que actúan sobre el sistema nervioso central de los insectos.
“Hay conclusiones bastante claras, preocupantes, sobre el impacto que estos productos pueden tener en particular sobre el néctar y el polen”, dijo el portavoz comunitario de Sanidad, Frédéric Vincent, quien recordó que el estudio fue encargado por la propia Comisión, y precisó que, a pesar de esas conclusiones, todavía hay algunas lagunas en los datos científicos analizados.
Las dos empresas que comercializan esos pesticidas en la UE son Syngenta y Bayer, explicó el portavoz.
Aesa (o Efsa, en inglés) ha analizado los riesgos de tres tipos de pesticidas neonicotinoides que se utilizan para tratar granos y semillas, y en particular ha estudiado su impacto sobre la supervivencia y desarrollo de las colonias de abejas, sobre las larvas de los insectos.
El pasado año se publicaron tanto en Italia y como en Francia varios informes científicos en los que se vinculó el uso de los neonicotinoides con la mortalidad de las abejas.
The European Commission has been "concerned" about the effect on the health of bees using some types of pesticides and announced that, if confirmed that risk, take action.
The European Food Safety Agency has published the results of a report that reveals "a number of risks" associated with three types of neonicotinoid pesticides, substances that act on the central nervous system of insects.
"There are fairly clear conclusions, worrying about the impact these products may have particularly on the nectar and pollen," said Community Health spokesman, Frederic Vincent, who noted that the study was commissioned by the Commission, and said that, despite these findings, there are still some gaps in the scientific data analysis.
The two companies marketing these pesticides in the EU are Syngenta and Bayer, said the spokesman.
Aesa (or EFSA) has discussed the risks of three types of neonicotinoid pesticides that are used to treat grains and seeds, and in particular has studied their impact on the survival and development of bee colonies on larvae insects.
Last year were published both in Italy and in France as in several scientific reports that linked the use of neonicotinoids with bee mortality.
The European Food Safety Agency has published the results of a report that reveals "a number of risks" associated with three types of neonicotinoid pesticides, substances that act on the central nervous system of insects.
"There are fairly clear conclusions, worrying about the impact these products may have particularly on the nectar and pollen," said Community Health spokesman, Frederic Vincent, who noted that the study was commissioned by the Commission, and said that, despite these findings, there are still some gaps in the scientific data analysis.
The two companies marketing these pesticides in the EU are Syngenta and Bayer, said the spokesman.
Aesa (or EFSA) has discussed the risks of three types of neonicotinoid pesticides that are used to treat grains and seeds, and in particular has studied their impact on the survival and development of bee colonies on larvae insects.
Last year were published both in Italy and in France as in several scientific reports that linked the use of neonicotinoids with bee mortality.