Sitio dedicado a difundir la actividad de las abejas, las bondades de los productos y subproductos; fomentar la apicultura como forma de vida y promover su difusión. Site dedicated to disseminate the activities of bees, the benefits of the products and by-products; promote beekeeping as a way of life, and promote their dissemination.
17 marzo 2014
"Rastrillo" para reunir el polen - "Rake" to scrape together the pollen
"Rastrillo" parareunir elpolen - "Rake" to scrape together the pollen
Laabeja utiliza esta"rastrillo" parareunir elpolenque se recogeen el cepillodel polendela pata traseraopuesta. The honeybee uses this "rake" to scrape together the pollen that is collected on the pollen brush of the opposite rear leg.
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