Miel: Remedios y Belleza (Spanish)
La miel es uno de los alimentos más completos que existen y está conformado por el néctar y las exudaciones sacarinosas de las plantas, una vez recogidas, modificadas y almacenadas en los panales de las abejas.
Son necesarias unas 300 abejas y 3 semanas para reunir 1 libra (450 gramos) de miel para su mesa.
La mayoría de la miel fabricada por las abejas permanece en la colmena para su propio consumo, pero 1 de cada 3 kilos es retirado con gran cuidado por el apicultor.
Usando un cuchillo calentado, el apicultor desprende la miel, la cera y pedazos del panal, y los coloca en un recipiente.
Diferentes tipos de miel
En el mercado se puede conseguir diferentes tipos de miel, cada una con propiedades curativas distintas según la mezcla que tengan con determinada planta, fruta o hierba
Miel de limón Es de color clara y tiene un sabor dulce. Debido a sus cualidades relajantes se recomienda para las personas que sufren de insomnio.
Miel de tomillo Tiene un gran poder diurético y facilita la digestión.
Miel de romero Es de color ámbar y es muy empleada para los casos de afecciones hepáticas o en estados de fatiga crónica.
Propiedades nutritivas
La miel natural está compuesta por minerales como sodio, potasio, magnesio, calcio, hierro, manganeso, cobre, fósforo, zinc, selenio, vitaminas A, C y del complejo B.
Tiene propiedades alimenticias y curativas que se conocen desde la antigüedad.
Por otro lado, la miel puede llegar a endulzar hasta 25 veces más que el azúcar común, además es de fácil digestión.
Propiedades curativas
Es considerada tónica y relajante al favorecer la absorción de triptófano, sustancia precursora de la serotonina, inductora del sueño. Por ello, la miel combate el insomnio.Representa una excelente fuente de carbohidratos, por lo que se le considera un alimento sumamente energético. Funciona también como un poderoso regenerador celular.
Se le considera un reconstituyente cerebral por su contenido en sodio, hierro y fósforo, indispensables para el buen mantenimiento del sistema nervioso.
El consumo regular de la miel mejora la asimilación de otros alimentos por ser muy digestiva. Sus propiedades suavizantes y antisépticas, la convierten en un excelente auxiliar en el tratamiento de gripe, garganta irritada y dolor muscular.
Remedios populares
Remedio con miel para la asma Hervir, a fuego lento, 1 cebolla pequeña, 2 dientes de ajo y medio litro de jalea real, por espacio de 30 minutos. Dejar enfriar el preparado y añadir entonces la miel. Alternar 1 cucharada del preparado y 1 cucharada de miel cada dos horas.
Remedio con miel para el insomnio #1 Mezclar 2 cucharaditas de vinagre de manzana con 2 de miel en una taza de agua. Tomar un cuarto de taza antes de acostarse.
Remedio con miel para el insomnio #2 Mezclar 2 cucharadas de miel con el jugo de 1 limón o de 1 naranja en medio vaso de agua tibia, Tomar antes de acostarse. Se recomienda que la miel sea la más oscura posible para lograr mejores resultados.
Remedio con miel para las quemaduras leves. Colocar 2 ó 3 cucharadas de miel sobre la quemadura lo que proporcionará un rápido alivio del dolor y la picazón.
Remedio con miel para la tos Hervir un limón en agua que lo cubra durante 10 minutos o hasta que se ablande la corteza. Cortar por la mitad y extraer el zumo. Colocar el zumo del limón en un vaso. Agregar 2 cucharadas de miel. Tomar 1 cucharadita cada 4 horas.
Remedio con miel para las úlceras, estómago y duodeno Tomar una cucharadita de miel, en ayunas, diariamente, una hora antes del desayuno, trague lentamente la miel después de ser diluida en la boca.
Remedio con miel para los trastornos intestinales o diarreas Disolver miel en una jarra con agua y tomar como bebida diaria. Actúa eficientemente como antiséptico de la flora intestinal, especialmente si se trata de niños lactantes.
Remedio con miel para la colitis y el estreñimiento Añadir 1 ó 2 cucharadas de miel como endulzante en200 gramos de cualquier alimento lo cual ayudará a controlar la actividad de los intestinos.
Remedio con miel para el sistema nervioso Tomar 1 cucharadita de miel, seis veces al día, le proporcionará tranquilidad y sosiego. Puede añadir en un vaso de leche para descansar más fácilmente.
Remedio con miel para las afecciones hepáticas Diluir 2 ó 3 cucharaditas de miel de romero, endulzando una taza de infusión de enebro.
Remedio con miel para la ictericia Hervir 30 gramos de salvia en 1 litro de agua durante 10 minutos y luego endulzada con una cucharadita de miel de romero. Tomar tres tazas al día.
Remedio con miel para el acné. Hervir 40 grs. de hojas de saúco en un litro de agua durante 10 minutos. Retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar. Tomar una taza diaria endulzada con miel de romero.
Mascarillas caseras con miel
La miel no sólo es un remedio casero eficaz sino también es un poderoso aliado en el mundo de la belleza natural. Puede ser empleado por las personas que tienen tanto la piel reseca como muy grasa. A continuación algunas recetas de belleza con la miel como ingrediente principal.
Mascarilla con miel para piel normal Mezclar 1 clara de huevo, 1 cucharada de leche en polvo y 1 cucharadita de miel. Aplicar la preparación sobre el rostro y la garganta. Dejar puesta por 15 minutos. Retirar la mascarilla con agua tibia y luego con agua fría.
Mascarilla con miel para piel seca Mezclar 1 cucharadita de miel, 1 cucharadita de harina, 1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva y 1 yema de huevo. Aplicar sobre la cara y el cuello. Dejar sobre la piel durante 20 minutos. Eliminar con agua tibia.
Mascarilla con miel para el cabello opaco y desvitalizado Mezclar 1 cucharada de miel y 3 de aceite de oliva. Dejar en reposo durante todo un día y luego aplicar, con masajes circulares, sobre la cabeza. Colocar un gorro de plástico y dejar puesto por 30 minutos Enjuagar con agua que contenga una cucharada de zumo de limón.
Baño rejuvenecedor de leche con miel. Diluir un litro de leche, medio kilogramo de sal y medio kilogramo de miel en el agua muy caliente de una tina grande o bañera.La Inmersión debe durar sólo diez minutos. Al final, ducharse con agua tibia sin usar jabón.
Honey is one of the most complete foods that exist and consists of nectar and plant exudates sacarinosas once gathered, modified and stored in the honeycombs of bees.
It is known since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who used it as an antiseptic lotion, tonic, diuretic and even as pain reliever.
Are needed about 300 bees and three weeks to gather 1 pound (450 grams) of honey to your table.
Most honey made by bees remain in the hive for their own consumption, but 1 in 3 kilos is removed with great care by the beekeeper.
Using a heated knife, clear beekeeper honey, wax and honeycomb pieces, and place in a bowl.
Different types of honey
In the market you can get different types of honey, each with different healing properties as they have with mixing certain plant, fruit or herb
Lemon Honey color is clear and has a sweet taste. Because of its soothing qualities recommended for people suffering from insomnia.
Lavender honey Its flavor is intense and is used in remedies for cough and laryngitis, as it contains an antiseptic effect on the airways.
Thyme honey has a powerful diuretic and aids digestion.
Rosemary honey is amber in color and is used for cases of liver disease or chronic fatigue states.
Nutritional properties
Natural honey is composed of minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C and B complex
It has nutritional and healing properties known since antiquity.
In addition, honey can sweeten reach up to 25 times more than table sugar, and is easily digestible.
Healing Properties
The remedy is honey as antibiotic cure rickets, scurvy, anemia, bowel inflammation, dropsy, constipation, rheumatism, headaches and dizziness. Sugar is the best kidney accepted.
It is considered tonic and relaxing to promote absorption of tryptophan, serotonin precursor substance, inducing sleep. Therefore, honey combats insomnio.Representa an excellent source of carbohydrates, so it is considered a highly energetic food. It also acts as a powerful cell regenerator.
He is considered a brain tonic because it contains sodium, iron and phosphorus, essential for the proper maintenance of the nervous system.
Regular consumption of honey improves assimilation of other foods to be highly digestible. Its soothing and antiseptic properties, make it an excellent aid in the treatment of flu, sore throat and muscle aches.
Folk Remedies
Honey Remedy for Asthma Boil, simmer, 1 small onion, 2 cloves of garlic and a pint of royal jelly, for 30 minutes. Cool the cooked and then add honey. Toggle 1 tablespoon of prepared and 1 tablespoon honey every two hours.
Honey remedy for hangovers Combine half a cup of honey with half a cup of grapefruit and crushed ice. Take time before attending a party to mitigate, in part, the effects of alcohol ingested.
Honey Remedy for Insomnia # 1 Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 of honey in a cup of water. Take a quarter cup before bedtime.
Honey Remedy for Insomnia # 2 Mix 2 tablespoons honey with the juice of 1 lemon or 1 orange in half glass of warm water, take before bedtime. It is recommended that honey is the darkest possible for best results.
Honey remedy for minor burns. Place 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey over the burn which will provide fast relief of pain and itching.
Remedy for cough honey lemon Boil in water to cover it for 10 minutes or until tender crust. Cut in half and extract the juice. Place the lemon juice in a glass. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take 1 teaspoon every 4 hours.
Honey remedy for ulcers, stomach and duodenum Take a teaspoon of honey, fasting, daily, one hour before breakfast, honey slowly swallow after being diluted in the mouth.
Honey remedy for intestinal disorders or diarrhea Dissolve honey in a jug with water and taken as a daily drink. Effectively acts as an antiseptic in the intestinal flora, especially if children are involved infants.
Honey Remedy for colitis and constipation Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey as a sweetener in 200 grams of any food which will help control the activity of the intestines.
Honey remedy for the nervous system Take 1 teaspoon of honey, six times a day, will give you peace and quiet. You can add in a glass of milk to rest easier.
Honey remedy for liver ailments Dilute 2 or 3 teaspoons rosemary honey, sweetening a cup of infusion of juniper.
Honey remedy for jaundice sage Boil 30 grams in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes and then sweetened with a teaspoon of rosemary honey. Take three cups a day.
Honey remedy for acne. Boil 40 grams. of elder leaves in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Take a daily cup sweetened with honey rosemary.
Homemade masks with honey
Honey is not only an effective home remedy but also a powerful ally in the world of natural beauty. It can be used by people who have both dry skin and very oily. Here are some beauty recipes with honey as the main ingredient.
Honey mask for oily skin. Mix one tablespoon of honey with three tablespoons of skim milk. Place the preparation on the face, neck and chest. Leave it on for half an hour and remove with warm water.
Honey mask for normal skin Mix 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon milk powder and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the preparation on the face and throat. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water and then with cold water.
Honey mask for dry skin Mix 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon flour, 1 teaspoon olive oil and 1 egg yolk. Apply on face and neck. Left on the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.
Honey mask for dull and devitalized hair Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and olive oil 3. Leave to stand for a day and then apply with circular movements on the head. Place a plastic cap and leave on for 30 minutes rinse with water containing a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Rejuvenating bath milk with honey. Dilute a quart of milk, a pound of salt and a pound of honey in hot water in a large tub or bañera.La Immersion should only take ten minutes. In the end, showering with warm water without soap.
Baño rejuvenecedor de leche con miel. Diluir un litro de leche, medio kilogramo de sal y medio kilogramo de miel en el agua muy caliente de una tina grande o bañera.La Inmersión debe durar sólo diez minutos. Al final, ducharse con agua tibia sin usar jabón.
Honey: Remedies and Beauty
Honey is one of the most complete foods that exist and consists of nectar and plant exudates sacarinosas once gathered, modified and stored in the honeycombs of bees.
It is known since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who used it as an antiseptic lotion, tonic, diuretic and even as pain reliever.
Are needed about 300 bees and three weeks to gather 1 pound (450 grams) of honey to your table.
Most honey made by bees remain in the hive for their own consumption, but 1 in 3 kilos is removed with great care by the beekeeper.
Using a heated knife, clear beekeeper honey, wax and honeycomb pieces, and place in a bowl.
Different types of honey
In the market you can get different types of honey, each with different healing properties as they have with mixing certain plant, fruit or herb
Lemon Honey color is clear and has a sweet taste. Because of its soothing qualities recommended for people suffering from insomnia.
Lavender honey Its flavor is intense and is used in remedies for cough and laryngitis, as it contains an antiseptic effect on the airways.
Thyme honey has a powerful diuretic and aids digestion.
Rosemary honey is amber in color and is used for cases of liver disease or chronic fatigue states.
Nutritional properties
Natural honey is composed of minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C and B complex
It has nutritional and healing properties known since antiquity.
In addition, honey can sweeten reach up to 25 times more than table sugar, and is easily digestible.
Healing Properties
The remedy is honey as antibiotic cure rickets, scurvy, anemia, bowel inflammation, dropsy, constipation, rheumatism, headaches and dizziness. Sugar is the best kidney accepted.
It is considered tonic and relaxing to promote absorption of tryptophan, serotonin precursor substance, inducing sleep. Therefore, honey combats insomnio.Representa an excellent source of carbohydrates, so it is considered a highly energetic food. It also acts as a powerful cell regenerator.
He is considered a brain tonic because it contains sodium, iron and phosphorus, essential for the proper maintenance of the nervous system.
Regular consumption of honey improves assimilation of other foods to be highly digestible. Its soothing and antiseptic properties, make it an excellent aid in the treatment of flu, sore throat and muscle aches.
Folk Remedies
Honey Remedy for Asthma Boil, simmer, 1 small onion, 2 cloves of garlic and a pint of royal jelly, for 30 minutes. Cool the cooked and then add honey. Toggle 1 tablespoon of prepared and 1 tablespoon honey every two hours.
Honey remedy for hangovers Combine half a cup of honey with half a cup of grapefruit and crushed ice. Take time before attending a party to mitigate, in part, the effects of alcohol ingested.
Honey Remedy for Insomnia # 1 Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 of honey in a cup of water. Take a quarter cup before bedtime.
Honey Remedy for Insomnia # 2 Mix 2 tablespoons honey with the juice of 1 lemon or 1 orange in half glass of warm water, take before bedtime. It is recommended that honey is the darkest possible for best results.
Honey remedy for minor burns. Place 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey over the burn which will provide fast relief of pain and itching.
Remedy for cough honey lemon Boil in water to cover it for 10 minutes or until tender crust. Cut in half and extract the juice. Place the lemon juice in a glass. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take 1 teaspoon every 4 hours.
Honey remedy for ulcers, stomach and duodenum Take a teaspoon of honey, fasting, daily, one hour before breakfast, honey slowly swallow after being diluted in the mouth.
Honey remedy for intestinal disorders or diarrhea Dissolve honey in a jug with water and taken as a daily drink. Effectively acts as an antiseptic in the intestinal flora, especially if children are involved infants.
Honey Remedy for colitis and constipation Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey as a sweetener in 200 grams of any food which will help control the activity of the intestines.
Honey remedy for the nervous system Take 1 teaspoon of honey, six times a day, will give you peace and quiet. You can add in a glass of milk to rest easier.
Honey remedy for liver ailments Dilute 2 or 3 teaspoons rosemary honey, sweetening a cup of infusion of juniper.
Honey remedy for jaundice sage Boil 30 grams in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes and then sweetened with a teaspoon of rosemary honey. Take three cups a day.
Honey remedy for acne. Boil 40 grams. of elder leaves in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Take a daily cup sweetened with honey rosemary.
Homemade masks with honey
Honey is not only an effective home remedy but also a powerful ally in the world of natural beauty. It can be used by people who have both dry skin and very oily. Here are some beauty recipes with honey as the main ingredient.
Honey mask for oily skin. Mix one tablespoon of honey with three tablespoons of skim milk. Place the preparation on the face, neck and chest. Leave it on for half an hour and remove with warm water.
Honey mask for normal skin Mix 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon milk powder and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the preparation on the face and throat. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water and then with cold water.
Honey mask for dry skin Mix 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon flour, 1 teaspoon olive oil and 1 egg yolk. Apply on face and neck. Left on the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.
Honey mask for dull and devitalized hair Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and olive oil 3. Leave to stand for a day and then apply with circular movements on the head. Place a plastic cap and leave on for 30 minutes rinse with water containing a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Rejuvenating bath milk with honey. Dilute a quart of milk, a pound of salt and a pound of honey in hot water in a large tub or bañera.La Immersion should only take ten minutes. In the end, showering with warm water without soap.
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