La miel aporta interesantes beneficios para la gripe y los resfriados. Descubre cómo usarla y cómo tomarla en caso de catarro, así como más información sobre sus propiedades curativas y protectoras.
La miel es muy considerada por la gran diversidad de beneficios y propiedades que aporta su consumo regular en nuestra salud. Como de buen seguro sabrás, se trata de un delicioso y maravilloso producto producido por las abejas a partir tanto del néctar de las flores como de las diferentes secreciones de partes vivas de las plantas, así como de insectos chupadores de plantas.
Las abejas recogen este néctar o estas secreciones, lo transforman y lo combinan con la enzima invertasa, la cual contiene saliva de las propias abejas, para luego almacenarlo en los paneles, lugar donde maduran. Aunque se trata de un proceso completamente natural, lo cierto es que la intervención del hombre en este proceso es conocida, de forma que lo que antes era un trabajo artesanal y tradicional para obtener la miel se ha convertido en la apicultura, la actividad dedicada a la crianza de las abejas.
En lo que se refiere a los distintos beneficios de la miel, destaca especialmente desde un punto de vista nutricional, al ser muy rica tanto en vitaminas (A, C, D, B1, B2, B3, B5 y B6) como en oligoelementos (cobre, magnesio, hierro, fósforo, potasio, azufre, calcio, manganeso, sodio y yodo). Se han estudiado –y confirmado- a su vez sus cualidades como alimento energético (debido a su contenido en azúcares simples) y su poder cicatrizante.
Beneficios de la miel para la gripe y los resfriados
Diferentes estudios científicos llevados a cabo en personas de entre 2 a 18 años con infección en las vías respiratorias, permitieron constatar que la miel es capaz de aliviar las distintas membranas irritadas en la parte posterior de la garganta. Además, ejercía un interesantísimo efecto antioxidante antiviral.
Por otra parte, la propia Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha considerado a la miel como un producto natural excelente para aliviar la tos, considerándola a su vez como un alimento seguro fuera del periodo de la lactancia, en niños a partir de un año y en personas adultas. Eso sí, en niños menores de 1 año no se aconseja su consumo por riesgo de desarrollo de botulismo (intoxicación causada por la toxina botulínica).
Estas virtudes las encontramos sobre todo tanto en su textura –que recuerda mucho a la textura que presentan los jarabes- y a su dulzura, ayudando de manera muy positiva a la hora de calmar el dolor de garganta.
Tampoco podemos olvidarnos de sus propiedades antioxidantes y antimicrobianas, motivo por el cual se convierte en un remedio tradicional ideal en caso de gripes, catarros y resfriados.
Propiedades de la miel para los catarros, resfriados y gripe, en resumen
Ayuda a aliviar y calmar el dolor de garganta, una afección tan común cuando estamos resfriados o engripados.
Ayuda a aliviar y calmar la tos, gracias a su textura y su dulzura.
Interesantes efectos antimicrobianos.
Acción antioxidante antiviral.
Por sus cualidades nutricionales ayuda a aumentar las defensas.
Es común mezclar la miel con zumo de limón cuando estamos enfermos de gripes y resfriados. SI quieres saber más sobre este remedio, te animo a leer más sobre las propiedades de la limonada para los resfriados.
Cómo usar la piel para la gripe y el resfriado
Si en estos momentos estás resfriado o agripado y quieres disfrutar de las distintas y diferentes cualidades curativas y protectoras que te aporta la miel en estos casos, una opción muy sencilla es tomarte una cucharada al día de miel.
Si además tienes dolor de garganta, puedes ponerte en una tacita de café o en un vaso un poco de zumo de limón recién exprimido, y añadir un poco de miel, mezclándolo bien y calentando hasta que se entibie. Luego sólo tendrás que tomar esta mezcla despacio, con ayuda de una cuchara.
Honey for colds and flu.
Honey provides interesting benefits for the flu and colds. Discover how to use it and how to take in case of colds and more information about its healing and protective properties.
Honey is highly regarded by the great diversity of benefits and properties that provides regular consumption on our health. As surely know, this is a delicious and wonderful product produced by bees from the nectar of both flowers and the various secretions of living parts of plants as well as plant sucking insects.
Bees collect the nectar or the secretions, transform and combine with the enzyme invertase, which contains saliva of bees themselves, then store it in the panels, where they mature. Although it is a completely natural process, the truth is that human intervention in the process is known, so it was an artisan and traditional for honey work before has become beekeeping activity dedicated to raising bees.
As it regards the various benefits of honey, especially outstanding from a nutritional point of view, being rich in both vitamins (A, C, D, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) and trace elements ( copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, manganese, sodium and iodine). They have been studied-and confirmed-turn his qualities as an energy food (due to its content of simple sugars) and its healing power.
Benefits of honey for colds and flu
Several scientific studies conducted in people aged 2-18 years airway infection, led to evidence that honey is able to relieve irritated membranes different in the back of the throat. Also it exerted an interesting antiviral antioxidant effect.
Moreover, the World Health Organization itself (WHO) has considered honey as an excellent natural product to relieve cough, considering in turn as a safe food outside the lactation period, in children from a year and adults. However, in children younger than 1 year is not recommended because consumption risk of developing botulism (poisoning caused by botulinum toxin).
These virtues are found mainly in both texture which closely resembles the texture presented by jarabes- and sweetness, helping very positive when it comes to soothe a sore throat so.
Nor can we forget its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which is why it becomes a traditional ideal remedy for colds, coughs and colds.
Properties of honey for coughs, colds and flu, in short
Helps relieve and soothe sore throats, a condition so common when we are cold or have the flu.
It helps relieve cough and soothe, thanks to its texture and sweetness.
Interesting antimicrobial effects.
Antiviral antioxidant action.
For its nutritional qualities it helps increase the defenses.
It is common to mix honey with lemon juice when we are sick of flu and colds. IF you want to know more about this remedy, I encourage you to read more about the properties of lemonade for colds.
Using the skin for colds and flu
If you have a cold or Flu-right now and want to enjoy the various and different healing and protective qualities you bring honey in these cases, a simple option is to take a spoonful of honey a day.
If you also have a sore throat, you can get in a cup of coffee or a glass some fresh lemon juice, and add a little honey, mix well and heat until it warm. Then you just have to take this slowly mix with a spoon.
Honey for colds and flu.
Honey provides interesting benefits for the flu and colds. Discover how to use it and how to take in case of colds and more information about its healing and protective properties.
Honey is highly regarded by the great diversity of benefits and properties that provides regular consumption on our health. As surely know, this is a delicious and wonderful product produced by bees from the nectar of both flowers and the various secretions of living parts of plants as well as plant sucking insects.
Bees collect the nectar or the secretions, transform and combine with the enzyme invertase, which contains saliva of bees themselves, then store it in the panels, where they mature. Although it is a completely natural process, the truth is that human intervention in the process is known, so it was an artisan and traditional for honey work before has become beekeeping activity dedicated to raising bees.
As it regards the various benefits of honey, especially outstanding from a nutritional point of view, being rich in both vitamins (A, C, D, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) and trace elements ( copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, manganese, sodium and iodine). They have been studied-and confirmed-turn his qualities as an energy food (due to its content of simple sugars) and its healing power.
Benefits of honey for colds and flu
Several scientific studies conducted in people aged 2-18 years airway infection, led to evidence that honey is able to relieve irritated membranes different in the back of the throat. Also it exerted an interesting antiviral antioxidant effect.
Moreover, the World Health Organization itself (WHO) has considered honey as an excellent natural product to relieve cough, considering in turn as a safe food outside the lactation period, in children from a year and adults. However, in children younger than 1 year is not recommended because consumption risk of developing botulism (poisoning caused by botulinum toxin).
These virtues are found mainly in both texture which closely resembles the texture presented by jarabes- and sweetness, helping very positive when it comes to soothe a sore throat so.
Nor can we forget its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which is why it becomes a traditional ideal remedy for colds, coughs and colds.
Properties of honey for coughs, colds and flu, in short
Helps relieve and soothe sore throats, a condition so common when we are cold or have the flu.
It helps relieve cough and soothe, thanks to its texture and sweetness.
Interesting antimicrobial effects.
Antiviral antioxidant action.
For its nutritional qualities it helps increase the defenses.
It is common to mix honey with lemon juice when we are sick of flu and colds. IF you want to know more about this remedy, I encourage you to read more about the properties of lemonade for colds.
Using the skin for colds and flu
If you have a cold or Flu-right now and want to enjoy the various and different healing and protective qualities you bring honey in these cases, a simple option is to take a spoonful of honey a day.
If you also have a sore throat, you can get in a cup of coffee or a glass some fresh lemon juice, and add a little honey, mix well and heat until it warm. Then you just have to take this slowly mix with a spoon.